Friday, September 10, 2004

MS Word to your mother, CBS!

Is this the dirtiest presidential campaign you've ever seen?? Now comes word that documents uncovered by CBS that appear to show that Bush refused to show up for National Guard duty and that pressure was applied upon the Guard to cover up the mess ... were possibly faked.

Here is an interesting follow-up to the Bush documents story. They were produced not on 1970s era typewriters, but on MS Word! How dumb is that?!

If these papers, which appeared so damning at first, are faked ... who is the culprit? Kerry? Kerry supporters? "Texans for Truth"? Michael Moore?!?!! (oh PLEASE let it be Michael Moore!!)

If Kerry is in any way linked to these papers -- would CBS just admit NOW that they may have messed up?!?! -- you can stick a fork in the Senator from Massachusetts.


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