Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's gonna rain.

I know it's gonna rain soon. I have a fool-proof method for predicting rain. I get headaches.

I couldn't figure it out until I read that some people have a sensitivity to changes atmospheric pressure, causing headaches. And atmospheric pressure changes when rain rolls in. And I get terrible headaches. Migraine-type headaches. I usually have to take pills and have a couple cups of coffee.


It's gonna rain.



Anonymous said...


Where's that rain, hmmm???


Ann said...

That happens to me, too. Now that I live somewhere where it rains often (like when I lived in Oregon) I only get them at the beginning of the raining season. Once it is kicked into high gear I stop getting the "rain headaches." I still get other headaches. Booo!

Zube said...

hey jodie, it did rain north of us, didn't it? huh? didn't it?

Anonymous said...

hahaha. I think it rained somewhere on the East Coast... ;p

Anyway, have fun at work. I'm trying.