Monday, November 08, 2004

After the fire

What a week.

Not only elections. I had a bad head/chest cold from Tuesday on. Still have remnants of it in my chest. The upshot was that I couldn't get to work on Wednesday and Thursday, and so missed many of the repercussions from the election. I was supposed to work on an "extra" edition on Wednesday when a winner was declared, but I was in no shape to work. Only rarely do I miss big news days like that!

Well, Bush won, despite what Air America says, and a lot of people in my newsroom were chagrined. Let's see if the Dem party figures out how to swing to the center to grab more votes next time. I can't imagine that Hillary Clinton could win the presidency now under the current climate, unless she moderates big-time.

I was going to blog before the vote, but sickness was winning. My main point was going to be to not vote out of hatred. Many people were saying they were going to vote the way they were going to because they hated the "other" guy ... either of 'em. I think that's a bad way to do business. Either trust and believe in your guy, or don't vote. Don't go to the polls motivated by hatred. That always gets manipulated and abused. I hope you voted your conscience. I know I did.


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