Monday, July 26, 2004

First day of school

Roger and Rachel began the new school year today.

I took Roger to meet his teacher and he's pretty excited to start 5th grade. He has a bunch of his friends in class with him. He's looking forward to starting ... we're lucky, both of the kids are big on school.

Rachel had high school orientation to begin 9th grade. She took awhile to find the one friend from 8th grade who's going to her school, but they found each other. It's a big school, a whole new scene, but I think she'll do great. A lot of adjustments, though.

I think Rachel's first day was hardest on Jami, my wife. She apparently let a few tears flow ... I don't blame her, our little girl is growing up!

And now, the long year begins ...

- Zube.

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