Friday, May 20, 2005

... But it's a dry heat?

Summer has arrived.

It's supposed to be 107 degrees here today, 110 tomorrow. Yeah, it's bad, but I welcome it for one reason (and one reason only): When it hits 100+ for a few days in a row, my allergies finally go away. All the weeds and stuff that produce the pollen that bothers me die off. Finally, I'll be able to breathe.

Not this weekend, tho. I have a head cold.

Timing is a funny thing ...



Stephanie Matlock Allen said...

I've been thinking about you because I've had nasty allergies since I've moved to Oregon. And it'll never get 100 degrees to kill everything off.

Also today? I got a double chocolate chip frappucino from starbucks. Haven't had one since my Republic coffee trips with Ralph :-)

Anonymous said...

I hear ya.

I love the heat (for more reasons that just the allergy thing).

Hope you're feeling better.