Monday, January 03, 2005

The tsunami and God

I hadn't intended to blog about the Asian disaster (I try to keep this site semi-lighthearted and about personal issues), but I'm seeing a lot of stories out there talking about disaster and God's role, so I decided to say something.

I can't possibly know what it's like to live through that disaster, or to lose loved ones in it. Anything I could say about having suffered struggles would be meaningless.

Many more people, though, are using this occasion to question belief in God. If he really was, he'd have prevented it. Or if he is, he must be a sadist.

God is there and is not powerless. He is not the author of evil but he allows it sometimes. Why? Only He knows.

But now's not the time to debate theology. Now's the time to offer comfort for the afflicted, whether it be through money or action or prayer. God bless those in Asia who suffered, that they will be provided the food and shelter and medicine they need. And God give them hope for tomorrow, and help them see the comfort that arises from knowing Him.

C.S. Lewis had a few things to say about God and suffering, in "A Grief Observed," written after the death of his wife. Take a look at an excerpt here.

For a look at what editorials are saying about the tsunami and God, and some responses, go here and here and here and here and here and here.


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