Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I'm an uncle!

My brother and his wife had their baby over the weekend, on Friday. It was a boy, as expected, and John Henry (insert hammer comment here) weighed in at 6 pounds 1 ounce. He was long, but I don't remember how long.

He was a little premature, but not as preemie as was first thought. They had thought they were due Jan. 27, but it turns out it was DEC. 27! So just 2 weeks early, instead of 7.

This is my first uncleship, an appointment I hope I can carry out with aplomb and verisimilitude. (That's just jibberish, by the way).

My brother called today and the baby's still in the hospital, with jaundice now. I warned him! Our daughter got hospitalized with jaundice about a week after the birth, probably due to the drugs they gave my wife when she was in labor. It's no big deal, I assured my brother. Happens all the time. John (which is apparently what they've taken to calling him) is under the bright lights to break down the excess bilirubin in his blood. Probably be ready to take him home by the end of the week, I'm guessing.

So now it's my brother's turn to fend with a baby/toddler! This should be fun!


1 comment:

xfevv said...

Hey, I was just surfing through different blogs and came across yours.Hope you don't mind me commenting here. Congrads on being an uncle!! That is awesome. By the way I am a Christian living in AZ as well. Check out my blog sometime www.klaobeforehim.blogspot.com. God bless
