Thursday, October 21, 2004

Getting caught up again

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've "blogged," if you will.

It's been quiet around here. It's RAINING today! Finally, fall/winter arrives. Temps only recently dipped below 90, and now we're supposedly going to be in the low 70s for a little while, anyway.

We're gearing up for Halloween also. The kids always go to whichever mall is sponsoring the Radio Disney trick-or-treating. It probably will be on a Saturday since the real Halloween is Sunday. I can't imagine the malls doing it that day.

My daughter, in her quest to go only as inanimate objects (last year, a baked potato, the year before, a bottle of ketchup), is trying to decide between a Q-Tip and a bag of jelly beans. There's a lot of great home-made costume ideas
here and here AND here. My son is wearing a skin wig, painting his head blue, and attaching blue balloons with faces on them to each shoulder -- he's going as Blue Man Group! (Last year, he was Weird Al Yankovic ... I made him a great cardboard accordion!)

I'm going as a frazzled parent.


1 comment:

Stephanie Matlock Allen said...

Ha, I love the Q-tip idea! & Blue Man Group is very creative. :) You guys have too much fun.

Wow, rain! Brrr! An Oregon coworker is visiting the Republic today & attending a session with the designers. I told her it should be gorgeous for her this weekend. Apparently I lied...