Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back from vacation, and work news too

Disneyland was great!

It wasn't too hot, it wasn't too crowded, etc.

I always love going there. I know I'm a big geek, but I feel like I'm home when I go there. And I hate leaving.

I can't imagine, tho, being an annual passholder. I wouldn't like treating a visit to the park like a trip to the mall. I think that's why so many of those guys set up websites to complain about the place, because they see it so much they start nitpicking things that once-a-year visitors wouldn't see. I saw somebody complain once that a show that was running at the park needed to be changed out because it was old and stale. It was less than one year old!

So I love the place.


In other news, the shakeup is over at work. I got the job I wanted, and I'm going to the online staff, working basically a wire editor job there, but it's technically a producer job.

I'm looking forward to it and I'm nervous, all that. Wish me luck.


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