Thursday, November 24, 2005

Working on Thanksgiving Day

I don't usually mind working the holidays. I get a bigger paycheck, and it's a lot less stressful without management around.

Been awhile since I've worked Thanksgiving tho. I managed to get in a late Turkey Dinner lunch before I came in, and now I'm consuming Turkey Dinner dinner here at work. Good stuff.

We have a little Thanksgiving at my home. Actually, at my mother-in-law's home. We pitch in for the 5 of us, so it's not like we get a bunch of turkey or anything. We're kind of a small family, just us 4 plus my mom-in-law when she joins us. If we were at my mom's in El Paso, she'd make a big deal, way too much food, trying to get you to eat more of it! Here, it's small servings, then I watch football! I had to do that part up here.

Cowboys lost, tho. That stinks.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

It's gonna rain.

I know it's gonna rain soon. I have a fool-proof method for predicting rain. I get headaches.

I couldn't figure it out until I read that some people have a sensitivity to changes atmospheric pressure, causing headaches. And atmospheric pressure changes when rain rolls in. And I get terrible headaches. Migraine-type headaches. I usually have to take pills and have a couple cups of coffee.


It's gonna rain.
