Thursday, October 21, 2004

Getting caught up again

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've "blogged," if you will.

It's been quiet around here. It's RAINING today! Finally, fall/winter arrives. Temps only recently dipped below 90, and now we're supposedly going to be in the low 70s for a little while, anyway.

We're gearing up for Halloween also. The kids always go to whichever mall is sponsoring the Radio Disney trick-or-treating. It probably will be on a Saturday since the real Halloween is Sunday. I can't imagine the malls doing it that day.

My daughter, in her quest to go only as inanimate objects (last year, a baked potato, the year before, a bottle of ketchup), is trying to decide between a Q-Tip and a bag of jelly beans. There's a lot of great home-made costume ideas
here and here AND here. My son is wearing a skin wig, painting his head blue, and attaching blue balloons with faces on them to each shoulder -- he's going as Blue Man Group! (Last year, he was Weird Al Yankovic ... I made him a great cardboard accordion!)

I'm going as a frazzled parent.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Back from the coast

So we went to San Diego last weekend.

Being from Arizona, San Diego is like Paradise during the dead of summer, and even during the heat of autumn.

We went to Sea World and did a lot of shopping ... shopping in the cool sun and shade and breeze next to the ocean. Man, it was great.

We got to hit a few bookstores, too, which is another favorite activity of my family's. Books is good.

Pray for me. The presidential debates are in our backyard tomorrow. I'll be busy!!
